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Major Item Left off the BOM (hex shaft)

1/2" hex shaft is needed for both the climber and roller claw was left of the bill of materials due to an oversight on our parts. Links to purchase hex shaft can be found in the bill of materials now. Please note that rounded 1/2" hex shaft also works, allowing the hex shaft to fit into 13.75mm bearings.

Everybot released!

With the Everybot reveal, the following resources have become available:

  • Manual with sections on the chassis, roller claw, climb and electrical layout
  • CAD
  • Code
  • Bill of materials

We hope to release our ballast and bumpers sections by the end of the week. Additionally there are some programming specific resources (deploying code, imaging the roboRIO, etc.) on the way!

We are live!

Welcome to the Everybot documentation site!

With this move we hope to accomplish the following:

  • Move away Google Doc as the public facing manual without heavily sacrificing collaboration, printability or ease of use
  • Improve navigation of the manual
  • Host resources relevant to Everybot and FRC teams in general
  • Allow for the integration of those resources into the manual to give more context to specific actions
  • Provide updates to teams on additions/changes to the manual and major events (critical out of stock components, etc.)

This is an update.

Updates will exist in the updates tab and the newest two updates will exist on the home page. Look for updates about Everybot documentation, critical component stock and updates the Everybot Evergreens.