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1/2" hex shaft is needed for both the climber and roller claw was left of the bill of materials due to an oversight on our parts. Links to purchase hex shaft can be found in the bill of materials now. Please note that rounded 1/2" hex shaft also works, allowing the hex shaft to fit into 13.75mm bearings.

As of 1/31 the Spark Max motor controller is currently out of stock from REV with a restock expected in late February. If you are in need of motor controllers the best and most affordable replacement is the Victor SPX from VEXpro, which can only be used with brushed motor controllers. This will work with all recommended motors on the Everybot except the NEO on the climber.

To use the motor Victor SPX you will need Phoenix Tuner, here is the current link for newest phoenix offline install. If that does not properly install try this link instead. These install come form CTRE's github, for more documentation see this.

AndyMark has finalized their 2024 Everybot Roller Claw package which is now purchasable on their website. This kit provides everything required for a working roller claw.

AndyMark's kit is great for teams don't have a majority of the parts but some teams may only be interested in the polycarbonate parts.

Teams who are looking to acquire only the polycarbonate parts could try reaching out to a local team with advanced manufacturing capabilities. Chances are they would be happy to make a set for your team. When reaching out to the team, tell them that there are 0.125" holes in the roller claw, some teams with CNC machines may not have collets/endmill that can cut holes that small. With some minor adjustments in CAD the plates will probably work fine if the 0.125" holes are resized to 0.158" (4mm endmill).

If you are interested in finding a local team to help, you can try using FRC map. Right click on a pin near you and look for their contact info on the blue alliance. Social media could be used or the team may have a website with a "contact us" section or email address.

If you want to purchase the roller claw plates individually they can be purchased from Send Cut Send with the following link: There may a discount link eventually but we cannot promisee that. The plates are ~$50 from Send Cut Send.

We have added an overview of the Everybot, bumpers, ballast and completed robot photos to the Everybot manual.

Other small changes have been added, the video for quick disconnects is now linked and Roller Claw now has an overview image.

The roller claws now have DXFs, printable 1:1 pdfs and a purchasing link in the Everybot resources tab. The AndyMark plates are not purchasable yet, we will alert you in the Discord when they become available.

With the Everybot reveal, the following resources have become available:

  • Manual with sections on the chassis, roller claw, climb and electrical layout
  • CAD
  • Code
  • Bill of materials

We hope to release our ballast and bumpers sections by the end of the week. Additionally there are some programming specific resources (deploying code, imaging the roboRIO, etc.) on the way!

Welcome to the Everybot documentation site!

With this move we hope to accomplish the following:

  • Move away Google Doc as the public facing manual without heavily sacrificing collaboration, printability or ease of use
  • Improve navigation of the manual
  • Host resources relevant to Everybot and FRC teams in general
  • Allow for the integration of those resources into the manual to give more context to specific actions
  • Provide updates to teams on additions/changes to the manual and major events (critical out of stock components, etc.)

Currently, we have electrical and chassis sections for the KitBot.

Plenty more content is on the way, look out for it in the coming weeks.