Electrical and Start of Code Documentation
The Electrical documentation is out,
The Electrical documentation is out,
The code can be found at our github.
For the swerve everybot generator please read our chief post, which will be translated to the website soon.
Check them out!
The deep climb build guide is now out.
The chassis build guide is now out.
The Everybot is being revealed tonight at 6pm cst.
On release we will not have all of the documentation completed but we working our hardest to get it to you.
The previous documentation has been archived at this site.
The Robonauts Everybot Championship Grant powered by S&K Technologies has been awarded to FRC Team 9668 West Robotics from Knoxville, Tennessee.
1/2" hex shaft is needed for both the climber and roller claw was left of the bill of materials due to an oversight on our parts. Links to purchase hex shaft can be found in the bill of materials now. Please note that rounded 1/2" hex shaft also works, allowing the hex shaft to fit into 13.75mm bearings.